Hug a Veteran Day
Land of the free...because of the BRAVE

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.
~William Arthur Ward

The popular question seems to be “how do I do it?”

1- Drive to the establishment
2- Park
3- Exit your car
4- Find the door
5- WALK IN!!!

The jitters….

    You will undoubtedly experience the jitters as you approach your first, and maybe second, destination. My advice?? Have a shot at the bar – heck, someone will probably buy it for you – HA! Seriously, your t-shirt will identify you as a member of the movement…so chances are slim that anyone will think you TOTALLY crazy.


    When you walk in, approach the first person you see and ask if they are a veteran. When you find a veteran, deliver your hug and thank them for their service. As you make your way through the room you may find men standing waiting for their hug (I did last year). Sure, your heart may race in the discomfort of your first few hugs… but consider how their hearts have raced – within a fear that was palpable

The anxiety you feel will wear off quickly,
but your IMPACT will last a lifetime

Take your hug-a-vet cards!! Take your cameras!! I want to hear your stories!!


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